We have lived the event cycle
Sport Event Delivery
With over 15 years of major sport event experience- from bidding, through host country planning, to operations and implementation, all the way to dissolution- we have lived the event cycle from ambitious beginnings to successful delivery. We have not just been witness to history, we have been part of making it. Never on the sidelines, our team is ready to advise no matter what stage your event is
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We understand realties on the ground
CSR/ Community Development
With years of head office and field experience, our team understands both the workings of corporate CSR and the realities on the ground. Our experience allows us to uniquely advise on how communities are impacted by corporate decisions and how to most effectively plan, implement and manage programs in a robust, impactful and sustainable way.
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We believe in the power of nudge
Behavioral Insights/Nudge
We have worked at the forefront of the application of behavioral economics in the corporate and public spaces. Working with world leading researchers, we have advised on establishing "nudge units" and using another of our core principles- creativity- we have inputted on concept ideation, experimental design and messaging from learnings and data. We believe in the power of nudge.
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We know how the world meets
International Relations and Protocol
Using our core principle of integrity, we have earned our place at seats next to local and world leaders where we have been trusted to input on complex challenges of our times. This gives us in-depth insights on how leaders communicate across borders. As a result, we also have expertise on guest management and protocol- from planning and training to hosting.
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