24 Jun,2020

Make it Easy

  • First principle is to consider how to make it easier for someone to do something, pay their taxes on time for example.
  • Some ways to ‘make it easy’ include: – Harness the power of defaults (A) – Reduce the ‘hassle factor’ of taking up a service (B) – Simplify messages (C)
  • (A) Defaults: tax systems can be put in place that automatically deduct individual’s income tax without individual having to take any action (as in the UK’s Pay-As-You-Earn system). Default option can be powerful tool for encouraging different outcomes.
  • (B) Hassle Factor: sending taxpayers directly to a form, rather than a webpage that contains the form, increases response rates by 4% points.

* EAST: Four simple ways to apply behavioural insights, The Behavioral Insights Team

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